St. Francis Catholic School was established as our Board's second French Immersion centre in September 1988 with an opening enrollment of 119 Kindergarten to Grade 3 students. Given its unique character and size in the initial year, it was deemed opportune by both administration and staff to formulate a philosophical perspective for the school. This framework would hence identify our school's fundamental mandate, aspirations and goals. Our mission statement, therefore, serves as a common reference and guide that will assure continued commitment to meaningful learning, excellence in instruction and professional growth.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide a caring environment developing the qualities of self esteem, creative thinking, a love for learning, a strong Catholic faith and a respect for self and others realizing that quality education is an individual life long process involving physical, mental, emotional and social development to produce happy, responsible citizens.
School Colours: Blue and White
School Mascot: Fin the Dolphin
School Prayer: Prayer of St. Francis - Prayer of Peace
Catholic Dimension
"Jesus, for His part, progressed steadily in wisdom and age, and grace before God and men." (Luke 2:52)
As partners with the parents and parish, in the spiritual formation of our students, the school's religious dimension will be expressed through the celebration of Catholic values in word, example and sacraments. The values of our Catholic faith are interwoven throughout the curriculum. Acceptance, sharing and cooperation will mark individual behaviours. Harmonious personal relationships and ready availability will attest to the Gospel message of Christian love and will contribute to an ambiance of accord, welcome and warmth within our school community. We, at St. Francis, strive to develop within students the necessary life learning tools of communication, problem solving, decision-making and creativity. We try to recognize, enhance and encourage each student to develop his/her unique gifts.
We walk as one toward faith, knowledge and wisdom.
Immersion Character
Every occasion, both within and beyond the classroom will be used to sustain and encourage the school's immersion character. The teachers will provide excellent models of French and English expression. They will urge the students to use the second language at every given opportunity. Aspects of French culture, tradition, music and customs will be incorporated into curriculum units where possible. When feasible, French language experiences beyond the classroom will be promoted. Teaching approaches which provide students opportunities to interact in meaningful and authentic communication will support the acquisition of French as a second language. In addition to the acquisition of language, positive attitudes towards the language and to those who speak it will be nurtured and developed.
It is recognized that children are the essence and purpose of our school. Each child is regarded as special and unique. As such, meaningful learning opportunities will be provided which respond to each child's particular needs and individual learning style. Within a caring and supportive atmosphere, the teachers and support staff will undertake to initiate educational activities and experiences which contribute to the on-going development of each child's spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional and social growth. Our student-centered philosophy expresses itself in many ways, especially in our continuous endeavour to recognize God within each of us.
School Activities
A number of student-centered and family-focused activities take place during the school year. In addition to building school spirit and strengthening the home/parish partnerships with the school, the following activities help supplement academic expectations and foster personal growth.
Catholic Virtue Awards
Mass and Celebrations
Monthly School Spirit Days
Hot Lunch and Nutrition Program
Peer and School Helpers
Cross Country Running
Choir Club
Art Club
Game Club
Green Club
Track and Field
Sport Development (Basketball and Soccer)
Open House
Book Fair
Terry Fox Run
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation/Orange Shirt Day
Franco Ontarian Day Celebration
Field Trips (Pumpkin Patch, Sugar Shack and Others)
Feast of St. Francis of Assisi
Thanksgiving Lunch
Treaties Recognition Week
Remembrance Day Ceremony
Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
Advent Celebrations
Christmas Turkey Dinner
Santa Fest
Christmas Concert
Give Back Initiatives
Black History Month
Carnaval des Compagnons
Jump Rope for Heart
Winter Electives
Catholic Education Week
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Lunch
Ash Wednesday Prayer Service
Spring Playday
National Indigenous Peoples Day
Year End Student Recognition Ceremony
Volunteer Appreciation Celebration
Kindergarten and Grade 6 Graduations